
What's positive nowadays?

Major news outlets thrive on negative news. Even when there's something positive in the story, there's a negative element to it. No wonder so many people don't bother reading the "news" that's published. Here are some tidbits I find positive or interesting.

The country's trade deficit went down by 7.5% in June. That's excellent progress and makes our country a stronger international economic power.

Minnesota's number of COVID cases reported on August 4 went down to 602. In the preceding days the number of cases was 613, 759, 725, 771, and 745.

The National Hockey League has been holding practices and games for about 4 weeks. In that time they have not had one single case of coronavirus. I sorely missed watching live sports, particularly hockey!

On March 23rd the Dow Jones Industrial Average was 18,591. On August 5th it sits at 27,109. That's basically a 50% increase!

Golf courses are filled again. They are benefitting from being one of the few permitted "group" activities. Just a couple years ago there was talk of golf becoming extinct.

I hope you enjoy this slower time and hope you are finding positivity wherever you are.

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