Dan's Desk

Minnesota Data Privacy Act

Written by Dan Gallatin | May 11, 2022 2:39:46 PM
The government:  can't live with it, can't live without it.  Overlooked in this technological age is the data accumulation that is ongoing every time we open our phones and turn on our laptops.
The government can, and does, also accumulate data.  When you are the subject of that data, you have very high level rights to the data the government has on you.  The Minnesota Data Privacy Act states you have the right to request the information any given governmental entity has on you.  That entity has to respond within ten business days.
Your request must be in writing and addressed to the proper person within a particular agency.  With just a hint of research you can quickly learn who the responsible party is or where to call to learn who the responsible party is for that agency.
Similarly, you can learn what data the government has on any given individual.  But, what you are entitled to is less than what you can get when you are the subject of the data.
Staying aware of what is happening, particularly when it is about you, is important and a fundamental right.  If you are interested in knowing what the government has on you, call on me to help you exercise your rights.