Dan's Desk

Guess Which Estate is Still Open?

Written by Dan Gallatin | Sep 13, 2017 5:00:00 AM

I expect we all remember when Prince passed away. You probably remember where you were when you heard the news, particularly if you are a Minnesota.

You may also recall Prince did not have a will. As I understand his estate, Prince had millions of dollars, a collection of songs, real estate, and other assets. In other words, his estate was unlike most residents of Centerville, Forest Lake, or Hugo.

Another way Prince's estate was unlike most people in Centerville or Hugo is that it is still open. Can you guess when Prince passed away? (HINT: Answer is at the bottom, but don't cheat!) Just this week the Court of Appeals issued a ruling on who constitutes an heir of Prince. There were apparently some folks claiming to be non-genetic children of Prince. For reasons unclear to me (and an apparent lack of common sense I'd say) they felt they were entitled to a portion of Prince's estate.

If your estate is unlike Prince's and you want it to get settled quickly (unlike Prince's), get a will.

The answer...April 21, 2016

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